Membership Drive

Active Booster Membership is only $10 per family per year and is tax deductible. If you would like to join or renew your membership, fill out this form to have an invoice sent to you: Membership Drive. Thank you! We appreciate the support!

Who are the Mayfair Band Boosters?

If your child is part of the Mayfair HS instrumental music department … color guard, band, percussion, orchestra, jazz band … so are YOU! We are one big family. All parents automatically become associate booster members.

What do the boosters do?

We provide support in the form of volunteer time and money. Both of these aspects are extremely important! Without volunteers, we cannot provide physical assistance in the form of uniform fittings, truck driving, prop building, performance admissions, etc. Nor can we raise the necessary funds to provide instructional assistants, bus transportation, instrument repair, competition entrance fees, awards, etc.

What is the $10 membership fee for?

All parents of current students are associate members and are always invited to attend booster meetings. The $10 annual fee is to become an active member. We encourage all families to become active members for two reasons:

1) Your modest tax deductible $10 donation shows you support the booster organization and helps with our budget.

2) Active membership gives you a voice at the booster meetings. It allows you to make motions and and vote on decisions that guide our organization (two votes per membership). It also allows you to run for a position on the Booster Board.

Current and alumni parents as well as alumni students over the age of 21 are invited to become active members.

Does becoming an active member mean I have to volunteer more?

No. All families are required to volunteer for 2 events each year whether you are an associate booster or active booster. We love our volunteers and encourage you to help more if you can! Many parents say volunteering helps them feel connected to the program and they make long-lasting friendships.